Sunday, February 05, 2006

1421 The Year China Discovered America by Gavin Menzies

February 2006 -- 1421 The Year China Discovered America by Gavin Menzies
Meeting Location: Judy's House

This nonfiction selection was one of many suggested at the previous meeting and Larry even had a DVD which he brought to our discussion. Following the meeting, Judy, Pam and I all watched it. I found this book fascinating but I never did finish it. Judy found it to be almost too much like a "research paper" and yet the concept was very intriguing... Pam read a different book by mistake. :)

Our discussion was at Judy's and this month was a small group... Larry, Judy and I. But we had DELICIOUS food following the Chinese theme.. I brought some takeout (not very creative, I'll admit) Judy made hot and sour soup and Larry brought Tsingtao beer. I can't remember much of the discussion... but I haven't forgotten that soup. Yum.

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